The Floating Mosque- Penang, Malaysia


The Floating Mosque, or Tanjung Bungah, as seen in the book, "PENANG 180º".

The Floating Mosque, or Tanjung Bungah, in Penang, Malaysia.


The Floating Mosque, or Tanjung Bungah Floating Mosque, was built in 2004, to replace the old mosque that was damaged by the deadly tsunami disaster of that same year. While it’s not actually floating, but rather built on pillars and stilts, it is nonetheless, a stunning architectural accomplishment. The seven-story-high minaret allows for a 360º panoramic view of the sea and coastal area of Tanjung Bungah. The total mosque covers an area of 1,295 square meters and can hold 1,500 worshipers.


Image of Ceiling of the Floating Mosque

Ceiling of the Floating Mosque


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PENANG 180º by George Edward Giunca


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