St. George’s Church, Penang, Malaysia


Happy St. George’s  Day!  Yes, April 23rd is the traditional day that St. George the great slayer of dragons, is remembered.  It is “traditionally” accepted that he died on this date in 303 AD, and having been named after him, I’ve always remembered this date.  You may remember a line in the book, Dracula by Bram Stoker, that says evil things occur after midnight on this day, but I’ll be asleep by then.


When we blogged about  churches last week, I promised that I would post one more today, and it’s a beauty with a lot of history:


Image of St. George's Church, Penang, Malaysia, as seen in the book, "PENANG 180º".

St. George’s Church, Penang, Malaysia


Built in 1816, St. George’s Church in Penang is said to be the oldest Anglican church in Southeast Asia.  The huge columns outside the entrance of this church, as well as the pavilion from which we made this photo, give a nod to Greek architecture.  During the three year occupation by Japan during WWII, much of the inside of the church was looted or damaged, but the outside was mostly unscathed.  It was restored in 1948 and now has the hi-tech feature of CCTV cameras and monitors inside that show the altar to parishioners whose view is blocked by the columns inside.  Masses in English are still held twice every Sunday.


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